[PDF] Portland cement clinker production using …

DOI: 10.1016/J.SOLENER.2019.03.064 Corpus ID: 127915727; Portland cement clinker production using concentrated solar energy – A proof-of-concept approach @article{Oliveira2019PortlandCC, title={Portland cement clinker production using concentrated solar energy – A proof-of-concept approach}, author={F. A. Costa Oliveira …

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Technology verification of Portland cement clinker …

Currently, the high-temperature heat source (550–1450 °C) during the decomposition and sintering process of Portland cement clinker is mainly provided by coal, the standard coal consumption in cement clinker production is between 92 kg/t and 128 kg/t [2, 8], and the average thermal energy intensity is 3.6GJ/t clinker in 2022, of which ...

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(PDF) Portland cement clinker production using …

Portland cement clinker production using concentrated solar energy – A proof-of-concept approach . × ... A proof-of-concept approach T F.A. Costa Oliveiraa,, J.C. Fernandesb, J. Galindoc, J. Rodríguezc, I. Cañadasc, V. Vermelhudod, A. Nunesd, L.G. Rosab ⁎ a LNEG – Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia I.P., LEN, Laboratório de ...

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Decarbonising cement and concrete production: Strategies, …

 — Another approach in alternative clinker technologies is the use of belite-based cements [93]. Belite is a low-temperature phase in cement production that requires less energy during the kiln process compared to traditional clinker. ... Another CCU approach in concrete production involves the production of alternative binders or aggregates using ...

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Soft sensor modeling of cement clinker quality: a novel …

 — Clinker free calcium oxide (f-CaO) content is an important indicator of cement quality. Considering the production characteristics (strong coupling, time-varying delay) in the cement process industry, a soft sensor model was developed by combining various methods. First, a new decoupling method is proposed to deal with the strong coupling …

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Atomistic Dissolution of β-C2S Cement Clinker Crystal

 — The major concern of the modern cement industry is to minimize the CO 2 footprint. Thus cement based on belite, an impure clinker mineral (CaO) 2 SiO 2 (C 2 S in cement chemistry notation), which forms at lower temperatures, is a promising solution to develop eco-efficient and sustainable cement-based materials, used in enormous …

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In some countries, it is already today more than 90%. This makes the European cement industry the global frontrunner in the use of alternative fuels and materials. Clinker substitution and novel clinkers. The effort in reducing the amount of clinker in cement is progressing well and the clinker to cement ratio has been reduced to 76,4%.

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Approach to the management of magnesium slag via …

cement production, and more than 1.3 t of limestone is con-sumed when 1 t of cement clinker is sintered. Limestone is currently excavated by mining []. In 2014, approximately 6 4 billion t of cement clinker was manufactured around the world, so more than 5 billion t of limestone was excavated from natural sources.

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Is net-zero feasible: Systematic review of cement and concrete

 — The first approach is H 2 combustion to provide the thermal energy necessary for clinker production. The second approach, however, produces hydrogen by heat recovery from cement production plants. ... Despite scientific advancements in emerging clinker and cement formulations, the real contribution of such technologies to decarbonizing the ...

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Thermodynamic data for cement clinkering

 — The proportions of cement clinker phases produced by the pyro-processing of a raw-material mix are often predicted through the Bogue equations, established in the 1930s; however, the Bogue approach is limited in its applicability. This presents a challenge as the cement industry is seeking innovative and more environmentally friendly cement ...

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Our 2050 Roadmap

New types of cement clinkers are being developed that are chemically different from conventional Portland cement clinker. These result in 20 – 30% CO 2 savings by reducing the amount of limestone in the …

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Clinker is the backbone of cement production. It is essentially a mix of limestone and minerals that have been heated in a kiln and have been transformed by this heat. When limestone is converted to clinker, CO 2 …

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Cement Clinker

Cement clinker is a semi-finished product composed of limestone, clay, and Fe that is obtained via firing and melting in industrial cement production. ... In or around 2009 an apparently novel approach to the production of low-CO 2 hydraulic binders was proposed and heavily promoted by a well-funded start-up company in California, ...

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The chemistry of Portland cement clinker

 — Technological developments in over a century of production of Portland cement clinker have greatly improved the homogeneity of the feed and clinker leading to much more favourable conditions for alite formation which remains the key chemical reaction in the process. This development is described along with the thermodynamic …

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Cemex develops approach to reduce carbon emissions

 — The production of clinker, the main component of cement, represents the most carbon-intensive part of the cement manufacturing process. The adoption of clinker micronisation has the potential to reduce the clinker factor in cement products up to 50%, which would significantly accelerate progress towards the company's decarbonisation …

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How Cement is Made

Cement is manufactured from organic materials heated together at high temperatures to form a rock-like solid. Chunks are then ground into a fine powder. ... As materials move through the kiln, a series of complex reactions take place resulting in a new substance called clinker. Clinker leaves the kiln as grey balls about the size of marbles.

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